Re: [Jastadd] [bug report] absence of AbstractWildcardType.createQualifiedAccess()

From: Jesper Öqvist <>
Date: Wed, 25 Apr 2012 14:03:38 +0200

Hello again,

Could you please provide more information about how you are compiling
OpenJDK 1.6?


On 04/25/2012 07:23 AM, Na, Hyunik wrote:
> Hello JastAddJ developers,
> Compiling java/util/ in OpenJDK 1.6 with JastAddJ (rev.
> 9238) produces the following entry in the constant pool.
> const #358 = Asciz
> (Ljava/util/Map<L_at_primitive/Unknown;L_at_primitive/Unknown;>;)V;
> And the illegal string "_at_primitive/Unknown" in the HashMap.class make
> it impossible to compile other 1138 java files in the library
> which load HashMap.class during their compilation.
> _at_primitive/Unknown appears also for three other java files:
> . sun/management/,
> . sun/swing/,
> . sun/util/
> , and it also prohibits compilation of 725 other java files which
> loads three corresponding .class files during their compilation.
> I spent some time to find the cause of this problem, and got the
> impression that absence of
> AbstractWildcardType.createQualifiedAccess() is probably the cause.
> That is, AbstractWildcardType should override TypeDecl's
> createQualifiedAccess().
> Because it does not in current JastAddJ, invocation of
> createQualifiedAccess() on a WildcardExtendsType object (for example)
> is dispatched to TypeDecl's createQualifiedAccess(),
> and produces a TypeAccess object whose package is "wildcards", and id
> is "? extends ...".
> And, querying type() on this TypeAccess object seems to produce
> Unknown type.
> So, I added the following line into Java1.5Frontend
> public Access AbstractWildcardType.createQualifiedAccess()
> { return createBoundAccess(); }
> and it seems that the _at_primitive/Unknown disappears from the class
> files with this addition.
> This problem of "_at_primitive/Unknown" in the signatures happens very
> rarely (in only four out of 7638 java files in the OpenJDK 1.6 libaray).
> It seems to happen during some "transformation" which I don't understand.
> ( In case of HashMap, it happens in a synthesized method whose
> parameter type is Map<? extends K, ? extends V> where K and V is the
> type variables of HashMap. )
> Is that addition appropriate? Does it cause any other problems in the
> compiler?
> - Hyunik
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Received on Wed Apr 25 2012 - 14:00:10 CEST

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