001    /* This file was generated with JastAdd2 (http://jastadd.org) version 2.1.13-12-g880e696 */
002    package org.extendj.ast;
004    import java.util.HashSet;
005    import java.io.File;
006    import java.util.Set;
007    import java.util.Collections;
008    import java.util.Collection;
009    import java.util.ArrayList;
010    import beaver.*;
011    import java.util.*;
012    import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
013    import java.io.PrintStream;
014    import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
015    import java.lang.reflect.Method;
016    import org.jastadd.util.*;
017    import java.util.zip.*;
018    import java.io.*;
019    import org.jastadd.util.PrettyPrintable;
020    import org.jastadd.util.PrettyPrinter;
021    import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
022    import java.io.BufferedInputStream;
023    import java.io.DataInputStream;
024    /**
025     * @ast node
026     * @declaredat /home/jesper/git/extendj/java4/grammar/Java.ast:22
027     * @production TypeAccess : {@link Access} ::= <span class="component">&lt;Package:String&gt;</span> <span class="component">&lt;ID:String&gt;</span>;
029     */
030    public class TypeAccess extends Access implements Cloneable {
031      /**
032       * @aspect AccessControl
033       * @declaredat /home/jesper/git/extendj/java4/frontend/AccessControl.jrag:153
034       */
035      public void accessControl() {
036        super.accessControl();
037        TypeDecl hostType = hostType();
038        if (hostType != null && !hostType.isUnknown() && !type().accessibleFrom(hostType)) {
039          errorf("%s in %s can not access type %s",
040              this.prettyPrint(), hostType().fullName(), type().fullName());
041        } else if ((hostType == null || hostType.isUnknown())
042            && !type().accessibleFromPackage(hostPackage())) {
043          errorf("%s can not access type %s", this.prettyPrint(), type().fullName());
044        }
045      }
046      /**
047       * @aspect NameCheck
048       * @declaredat /home/jesper/git/extendj/java4/frontend/NameCheck.jrag:213
049       */
050      public void nameCheck() {
051        if (isQualified() && !qualifier().isTypeAccess() && !qualifier().isPackageAccess()) {
052          errorf("can not access the type named %s in this context", decl().typeName());
053        }
054        if (decls().isEmpty()) {
055          errorf("no visible type named %s", typeName());
056        }
057        if (decls().size() > 1) {
058          StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
059          sb.append("several types named " + name() + ":");
060          for (Iterator iter = decls().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
061            TypeDecl t = (TypeDecl) iter.next();
062            sb.append(" " + t.typeName());
063          }
064          error(sb.toString());
065        }
066      }
067      /**
068       * @aspect NodeConstructors
069       * @declaredat /home/jesper/git/extendj/java4/frontend/NodeConstructors.jrag:44
070       */
071      public TypeAccess(String name, int start, int end) {
072        this(name);
073        this.start = this.IDstart = start;
074        this.end = this.IDend = end;
075      }
076      /**
077       * @aspect NodeConstructors
078       * @declaredat /home/jesper/git/extendj/java4/frontend/NodeConstructors.jrag:55
079       */
080      public TypeAccess(String typeName) {
081        this("", typeName);
082      }
083      /**
084       * @aspect Java4PrettyPrint
085       * @declaredat /home/jesper/git/extendj/java4/frontend/PrettyPrint.jadd:600
086       */
087      public void prettyPrint(PrettyPrinter out) {
088        if (hasPackage()) {
089          out.print(getPackage());
090          out.print(".");
091        }
092        out.print(getID());
093      }
094      /**
095       * @aspect Annotations
096       * @declaredat /home/jesper/git/extendj/java5/frontend/Annotations.jrag:404
097       */
098      public void checkModifiers() {
099        if (decl().isDeprecated() &&
100           !withinDeprecatedAnnotation() &&
101           (hostType() == null || hostType().topLevelType() != decl().topLevelType()) &&
102           !withinSuppressWarnings("deprecation"))
103          warning(decl().typeName() + " has been deprecated");
104      }
105      /** This method assumes that the bound type is generic. 
106       * @aspect GenericsTypeAnalysis
107       * @declaredat /home/jesper/git/extendj/java5/frontend/Generics.jrag:369
108       */
109      public boolean isRaw() {
110        /*
111        if (hasNextAccess()) {
112          return false;
113        }
114        */
115        ASTNode parent = getParent();
116        while (parent instanceof AbstractDot) {
117          parent = parent.getParent();
118        }
119        if (parent instanceof ParTypeAccess) {
120          return false;
121        }
122        if (parent instanceof ImportDecl) {
123          return false;
124        }
125        /*
126        Access a = this;
127        while (a.isTypeAccess() && hasNextAccess()) {
128          a = a.nextAccess();
129        }
130        if (a.isThisAccess() || a.isSuperAccess()) {
131          return false;
132        }
133        */
134        return true;
135      }
136      /**
137       * @aspect GenericsTypeCheck
138       * @declaredat /home/jesper/git/extendj/java5/frontend/Generics.jrag:659
139       */
140      public void typeCheck() {
141        TypeDecl type = type();
142        if (type.isRawType() && type.isNestedType()
143            && type.enclosingType().isParameterizedType()
144            && !type.enclosingType().isRawType()) {
145          error("Can not access a member type of a paramterized type as a raw type");
146        }
147      }
148      /**
149       * @aspect FunctionalInterface
150       * @declaredat /home/jesper/git/extendj/java8/frontend/FunctionalInterface.jrag:196
151       */
152      public boolean sameType(TypeAccess t) {
153        /*
154        First, two type variables that are to be compared are checked to see if they are
155        both declared by methods and that one of the methods is not inside the scope of the other
156        method. If this is the case it is enough to simply check that the positions are equal.
157        Otherwise the types has to equal.
158        */
160        if (type() instanceof TypeVariable && t.type() instanceof TypeVariable) {
161          TypeVariable t1 = (TypeVariable) type();
162          TypeVariable t2 = (TypeVariable) t.type();
163          if (t1.typeVarInMethod() && t2.typeVarInMethod()
164              && t1.genericMethodLevel() == t2.genericMethodLevel()) {
165            return t1.typeVarPosition() == t2.typeVarPosition();
166          } else {
167            return t1 == t2;
168          }
169        } else if (type() instanceof TypeVariable && !(t.type() instanceof TypeVariable)
170            || t.type() instanceof TypeVariable && !(type() instanceof TypeVariable) ) {
171          return false;
172        } else if (type() == t.type()) {
173          return true;
174        } else {
175          return false;
176        }
177      }
178      /**
179       * @declaredat ASTNode:1
180       */
181      public TypeAccess() {
182        super();
183      }
184      /**
185       * Initializes the child array to the correct size.
186       * Initializes List and Opt nta children.
187       * @apilevel internal
188       * @ast method
189       * @declaredat ASTNode:10
190       */
191      public void init$Children() {
192      }
193      /**
194       * @declaredat ASTNode:12
195       */
196      public TypeAccess(String p0, String p1) {
197        setPackage(p0);
198        setID(p1);
199      }
200      /**
201       * @declaredat ASTNode:16
202       */
203      public TypeAccess(beaver.Symbol p0, beaver.Symbol p1) {
204        setPackage(p0);
205        setID(p1);
206      }
207      /**
208       * @apilevel low-level
209       * @declaredat ASTNode:23
210       */
211      protected int numChildren() {
212        return 0;
213      }
214      /**
215       * @apilevel internal
216       * @declaredat ASTNode:29
217       */
218      public boolean mayHaveRewrite() {
219        return false;
220      }
221      /**
222       * @apilevel internal
223       * @declaredat ASTNode:35
224       */
225      public void flushAttrCache() {
226        super.flushAttrCache();
227        decls_reset();
228        decl_reset();
229        type_reset();
230      }
231      /**
232       * @apilevel internal
233       * @declaredat ASTNode:44
234       */
235      public void flushCollectionCache() {
236        super.flushCollectionCache();
237      }
238      /**
239       * @apilevel internal
240       * @declaredat ASTNode:50
241       */
242      public void flushRewriteCache() {
243        super.flushRewriteCache();
244      }
245      /**
246       * @apilevel internal
247       * @declaredat ASTNode:56
248       */
249      public TypeAccess clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
250        TypeAccess node = (TypeAccess) super.clone();
251        return node;
252      }
253      /**
254       * @apilevel internal
255       * @declaredat ASTNode:63
256       */
257      public TypeAccess copy() {
258        try {
259          TypeAccess node = (TypeAccess) clone();
260          node.parent = null;
261          if (children != null) {
262            node.children = (ASTNode[]) children.clone();
263          }
264          return node;
265        } catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
266          throw new Error("Error: clone not supported for " + getClass().getName());
267        }
268      }
269      /**
270       * Create a deep copy of the AST subtree at this node.
271       * The copy is dangling, i.e. has no parent.
272       * @return dangling copy of the subtree at this node
273       * @apilevel low-level
274       * @deprecated Please use treeCopy or treeCopyNoTransform instead
275       * @declaredat ASTNode:82
276       */
277      @Deprecated
278      public TypeAccess fullCopy() {
279        return treeCopyNoTransform();
280      }
281      /**
282       * Create a deep copy of the AST subtree at this node.
283       * The copy is dangling, i.e. has no parent.
284       * @return dangling copy of the subtree at this node
285       * @apilevel low-level
286       * @declaredat ASTNode:92
287       */
288      public TypeAccess treeCopyNoTransform() {
289        TypeAccess tree = (TypeAccess) copy();
290        if (children != null) {
291          for (int i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) {
292            ASTNode child = (ASTNode) children[i];
293            if (child != null) {
294              child = child.treeCopyNoTransform();
295              tree.setChild(child, i);
296            }
297          }
298        }
299        return tree;
300      }
301      /**
302       * Create a deep copy of the AST subtree at this node.
303       * The subtree of this node is traversed to trigger rewrites before copy.
304       * The copy is dangling, i.e. has no parent.
305       * @return dangling copy of the subtree at this node
306       * @apilevel low-level
307       * @declaredat ASTNode:112
308       */
309      public TypeAccess treeCopy() {
310        doFullTraversal();
311        return treeCopyNoTransform();
312      }
313      /**
314       * @apilevel internal
315       * @declaredat ASTNode:119
316       */
317      protected boolean is$Equal(ASTNode node) {
318        return super.is$Equal(node) && (tokenString_Package == ((TypeAccess)node).tokenString_Package) && (tokenString_ID == ((TypeAccess)node).tokenString_ID);    
319      }
320      /**
321       * Replaces the lexeme Package.
322       * @param value The new value for the lexeme Package.
323       * @apilevel high-level
324       */
325      public void setPackage(String value) {
326        tokenString_Package = value;
327      }
328      /**
329       * @apilevel internal
330       */
331      protected String tokenString_Package;
332      /**
333       */
334      public int Packagestart;
335      /**
336       */
337      public int Packageend;
338      /**
339       * JastAdd-internal setter for lexeme Package using the Beaver parser.
340       * @param symbol Symbol containing the new value for the lexeme Package
341       * @apilevel internal
342       */
343      public void setPackage(beaver.Symbol symbol) {
344        if (symbol.value != null && !(symbol.value instanceof String))
345        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("setPackage is only valid for String lexemes");
346        tokenString_Package = (String)symbol.value;
347        Packagestart = symbol.getStart();
348        Packageend = symbol.getEnd();
349      }
350      /**
351       * Retrieves the value for the lexeme Package.
352       * @return The value for the lexeme Package.
353       * @apilevel high-level
354       */
355      @ASTNodeAnnotation.Token(name="Package")
356      public String getPackage() {
357        return tokenString_Package != null ? tokenString_Package : "";
358      }
359      /**
360       * Replaces the lexeme ID.
361       * @param value The new value for the lexeme ID.
362       * @apilevel high-level
363       */
364      public void setID(String value) {
365        tokenString_ID = value;
366      }
367      /**
368       * @apilevel internal
369       */
370      protected String tokenString_ID;
371      /**
372       */
373      public int IDstart;
374      /**
375       */
376      public int IDend;
377      /**
378       * JastAdd-internal setter for lexeme ID using the Beaver parser.
379       * @param symbol Symbol containing the new value for the lexeme ID
380       * @apilevel internal
381       */
382      public void setID(beaver.Symbol symbol) {
383        if (symbol.value != null && !(symbol.value instanceof String))
384        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("setID is only valid for String lexemes");
385        tokenString_ID = (String)symbol.value;
386        IDstart = symbol.getStart();
387        IDend = symbol.getEnd();
388      }
389      /**
390       * Retrieves the value for the lexeme ID.
391       * @return The value for the lexeme ID.
392       * @apilevel high-level
393       */
394      @ASTNodeAnnotation.Token(name="ID")
395      public String getID() {
396        return tokenString_ID != null ? tokenString_ID : "";
397      }
398      /**
399       * @aspect GenericsCodegen
400       * @declaredat /home/jesper/git/extendj/java5/backend/GenericsCodegen.jrag:305
401       */
402        public void transformation() {
403        super.transformation();
404        if (type().elementType().isNestedType() && hostType() != null) {
405          hostType().addUsedNestedType(type().elementType().erasure().sourceTypeDecl());
406        }
407      }
408      /**
409       * @aspect TypeScopePropagation
410       * @declaredat /home/jesper/git/extendj/java4/frontend/LookupType.jrag:307
411       */
412      private TypeDecl refined_TypeScopePropagation_TypeAccess_decl()
413    {
414        SimpleSet decls = decls();
415        if (decls.size() == 1) {
416          return (TypeDecl) decls.iterator().next();
417        }
418        return unknownType();
419      }
420      /**
421       * @apilevel internal
422       */
423      protected boolean decls_computed = false;
424      /**
425       * @apilevel internal
426       */
427      protected SimpleSet decls_value;
428      /**
429       * @apilevel internal
430       */
431      private void decls_reset() {
432        decls_computed = false;
433        decls_value = null;
434      }
435      /**
436       * @attribute syn
437       * @aspect TypeScopePropagation
438       * @declaredat /home/jesper/git/extendj/java4/frontend/LookupType.jrag:291
439       */
440      @ASTNodeAnnotation.Attribute
441      public SimpleSet decls() {
442        ASTNode$State state = state();
443        if (decls_computed) {
444          return decls_value;
445        }
446        boolean intermediate = state.INTERMEDIATE_VALUE;
447        state.INTERMEDIATE_VALUE = false;
448        int num = state.boundariesCrossed;
449        boolean isFinal = this.is$Final();
450        decls_value = packageName().equals("")
451              ? lookupType(name())
452              : lookupType(packageName(), name()).asSet();
453        if (isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) {
454          decls_computed = true;
455        } else {
456        }
457        state.INTERMEDIATE_VALUE |= intermediate;
459        return decls_value;
460      }
461      /**
462       * @apilevel internal
463       */
464      protected boolean decl_computed = false;
465      /**
466       * @apilevel internal
467       */
468      protected TypeDecl decl_value;
469      /**
470       * @apilevel internal
471       */
472      private void decl_reset() {
473        decl_computed = false;
474        decl_value = null;
475      }
476      /**
477       * @attribute syn
478       * @aspect TypeScopePropagation
479       * @declaredat /home/jesper/git/extendj/java4/frontend/LookupType.jrag:307
480       */
481      @ASTNodeAnnotation.Attribute
482      public TypeDecl decl() {
483        ASTNode$State state = state();
484        if (decl_computed) {
485          return decl_value;
486        }
487        boolean intermediate = state.INTERMEDIATE_VALUE;
488        state.INTERMEDIATE_VALUE = false;
489        int num = state.boundariesCrossed;
490        boolean isFinal = this.is$Final();
491        decl_value = decl_compute();
492        if (isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) {
493          decl_computed = true;
494        } else {
495        }
496        state.INTERMEDIATE_VALUE |= intermediate;
498        return decl_value;
499      }
500      /**
501       * @apilevel internal
502       */
503      private TypeDecl decl_compute() {
504          TypeDecl decl = refined_TypeScopePropagation_TypeAccess_decl();
505          if (decl instanceof GenericTypeDecl && isRaw()) {
506            return ((GenericTypeDecl) decl).lookupParTypeDecl(Collections.<TypeDecl>emptyList());
507          }
508          return decl;
509        }
510      /**
511       * @attribute syn
512       * @aspect VariableScope
513       * @declaredat /home/jesper/git/extendj/java4/frontend/LookupVariable.jrag:237
514       */
515      @ASTNodeAnnotation.Attribute
516      public SimpleSet qualifiedLookupVariable(String name) {
517        {
518            if (type().accessibleFrom(hostType())) {
519              SimpleSet c = type().memberFields(name);
520              c = keepAccessibleFields(c);
521              if (type().isClassDecl() && c.size() == 1) {
522                c = removeInstanceVariables(c);
523              }
524              return c;
525            }
526            return SimpleSet.emptySet;
527          }
528      }
529      /**
530       * Has package name (not @primitive)
531       * @attribute syn
532       * @aspect PrettyPrintUtil
533       * @declaredat /home/jesper/git/extendj/java4/frontend/PrettyPrintUtil.jrag:213
534       */
535      @ASTNodeAnnotation.Attribute
536      public boolean hasPackage() {
537        boolean hasPackage_value = decl().isReferenceType() && !getPackage().isEmpty();
539        return hasPackage_value;
540      }
541      /**
542       * @attribute syn
543       * @aspect Names
544       * @declaredat /home/jesper/git/extendj/java4/frontend/QualifiedNames.jrag:40
545       */
546      @ASTNodeAnnotation.Attribute
547      public String name() {
548        String name_value = getID();
550        return name_value;
551      }
552      /**
553       * @attribute syn
554       * @aspect Names
555       * @declaredat /home/jesper/git/extendj/java4/frontend/QualifiedNames.jrag:44
556       */
557      @ASTNodeAnnotation.Attribute
558      public String packageName() {
559        String packageName_value = getPackage();
561        return packageName_value;
562      }
563      /**
564       * @attribute syn
565       * @aspect Names
566       * @declaredat /home/jesper/git/extendj/java4/frontend/QualifiedNames.jrag:58
567       */
568      @ASTNodeAnnotation.Attribute
569      public String nameWithPackage() {
570        String nameWithPackage_value = getPackage().equals("") ? name() : (getPackage() + "." + name());
572        return nameWithPackage_value;
573      }
574      /**
575       * @attribute syn
576       * @aspect Names
577       * @declaredat /home/jesper/git/extendj/java4/frontend/QualifiedNames.jrag:72
578       */
579      @ASTNodeAnnotation.Attribute
580      public String typeName() {
581        String typeName_value = isQualified() ? (qualifier().typeName() + "." + name()) : nameWithPackage();
583        return typeName_value;
584      }
585      /**
586       * @attribute syn
587       * @aspect AccessTypes
588       * @declaredat /home/jesper/git/extendj/java4/frontend/ResolveAmbiguousNames.jrag:35
589       */
590      @ASTNodeAnnotation.Attribute
591      public boolean isTypeAccess() {
592        boolean isTypeAccess_value = true;
594        return isTypeAccess_value;
595      }
596      /**
597       * Defines the expected kind of name for the left hand side in a qualified
598       * expression.
599       * @attribute syn
600       * @aspect SyntacticClassification
601       * @declaredat /home/jesper/git/extendj/java4/frontend/SyntacticClassification.jrag:58
602       */
603      @ASTNodeAnnotation.Attribute
604      public NameType predNameType() {
605        NameType predNameType_value = NameType.PACKAGE_OR_TYPE_NAME;
607        return predNameType_value;
608      }
609      /**
610       * @apilevel internal
611       */
612      protected boolean type_computed = false;
613      /**
614       * @apilevel internal
615       */
616      protected TypeDecl type_value;
617      /**
618       * @apilevel internal
619       */
620      private void type_reset() {
621        type_computed = false;
622        type_value = null;
623      }
624      /**
625       * @attribute syn
626       * @aspect TypeAnalysis
627       * @declaredat /home/jesper/git/extendj/java4/frontend/TypeAnalysis.jrag:302
628       */
629      @ASTNodeAnnotation.Attribute
630      public TypeDecl type() {
631        ASTNode$State state = state();
632        if (type_computed) {
633          return type_value;
634        }
635        boolean intermediate = state.INTERMEDIATE_VALUE;
636        state.INTERMEDIATE_VALUE = false;
637        int num = state.boundariesCrossed;
638        boolean isFinal = this.is$Final();
639        type_value = decl();
640        if (isFinal && num == state().boundariesCrossed) {
641          type_computed = true;
642        } else {
643        }
644        state.INTERMEDIATE_VALUE |= intermediate;
646        return type_value;
647      }
648      /**
649       * @attribute syn
650       * @aspect TypeHierarchyCheck
651       * @declaredat /home/jesper/git/extendj/java4/frontend/TypeHierarchyCheck.jrag:199
652       */
653      @ASTNodeAnnotation.Attribute
654      public boolean staticContextQualifier() {
655        boolean staticContextQualifier_value = true;
657        return staticContextQualifier_value;
658      }
659      /**
660       * @attribute syn
661       * @aspect LookupParTypeDecl
662       * @declaredat /home/jesper/git/extendj/java5/frontend/Generics.jrag:1240
663       */
664      @ASTNodeAnnotation.Attribute
665      public boolean usesTypeVariable() {
666        boolean usesTypeVariable_value = decl().usesTypeVariable() || super.usesTypeVariable();
668        return usesTypeVariable_value;
669      }
670      /**
671       * Finds the host type declaration of a class access.
672       * Call this attribute only on expressions that return true for
673       * isClassAccess or it may throw an error!
674       * @return The TypeDecl corresponding to the accesssed class
675       * @attribute syn
676       * @aspect AnnotationsCodegen
677       * @declaredat /home/jesper/git/extendj/java5/backend/AnnotationsCodegen.jrag:241
678       */
679      @ASTNodeAnnotation.Attribute
680      public TypeDecl classAccess() {
681        TypeDecl classAccess_value = type();
683        return classAccess_value;
684      }
685      /**
686       * Builds a copy of this Access node where all occurrences
687       * of type variables in the original type parameter list have been replaced
688       * by the substitution type parameters.
689       * 
690       * @return the substituted Access node
691       * @attribute syn
692       * @aspect Diamond
693       * @declaredat /home/jesper/git/extendj/java7/frontend/Diamond.jrag:361
694       */
695      @ASTNodeAnnotation.Attribute
696      public Access substituted(Collection<TypeVariable> original, List<TypeVariable> substitution) {
697        {
698            TypeDecl decl = decl();
699            int i = 0;
700            for (TypeVariable typeVar : original) {
701              if (typeVar == decl) {
702                return new TypeAccess(substitution.getChild(i).getID());
703              }
704              i += 1;
705            }
706            return super.substituted(original, substitution);
707          }
708      }
709      /**
710       * @apilevel internal
711       */
712      public ASTNode rewriteTo() {
713        return super.rewriteTo();
714      }
715    }