Mailing List
The JastAdd mailing list has recently been migrated to Google Groups.
The archives for the old mailing list can still be read.
- Bug reports and enhancement suggestions should be submitted to our bitbucket issue tracker
- Please include the following info in any issue you submit:
- clear explanation of the faulty behavior or desired behavior
- a SSCCE that demonstrates the bug or suggested enhancement
- what version of JastAdd you are using (or preferrably include all tools so we can try to reproduce the bug directly)
- in case you have a solution to the problem, a suggested patch or pull request is of course also welcome
Current Developers
Görel Hedin project lead gorel.hedin AT cs.lth.seEmma Söderberg emma.soderberg AT cs.lth.seNiklas Fors niklas.fors AT cs.lth.seJesper Öqvist JastAddJ
RagDoll jesper.oqvist AT
JastAdd Logotype
The JastAdd Logotype is Copyright (c) 2011 by The JastAdd Team.
The JastAdd Logotype can be used freely in presentation slides or similar materials to refer to the JastAdd meta-compiler system.